Smartest Options for Your Choices Now

Smartest Options for Your Choices Now

To understand a bit more about the Brazilian online store landscape, e-Bit, a company that specializes in collecting ecommerce data, releases a report called WebShoppers, which focuses on the dissemination of information and data about the market. Report shows that the e-commerce market grew 40% in the first half when compared to the same period of 2009, reaching revenues of $ 6.7 billion. For the seo shopify deals this is important.

According to the report, up to the first half of 2010, 20 million people bought the Internet at least once, the so-called e-consumers. And most interesting is that the report estimates that by the end of the year, this number should reach 23 million.

seo shopify

Professionals shared some data about the internet search scenario when we think about the ecommerce niche and the data is very interesting. According to them, 35% of online store traffic comes from search engines and the most searched term in ecommerce is the word mobile. The interesting thing about this data is that in 3rd, 4th and 5th places, the most searched words are variations of the term mobile.

A very interesting piece of information is that over 96% of Internet searches in this country are done through Google. Further attesting to the strength of search engine marketing in our country and why it should be one of the most targeted when we talk about SEO. Still talking about searches, 36.97% of people Internet searches have 4 or more words, a slightly different scenario from the USA, where 28.22% have 4 or more words.

Understanding Google

When we perform a Google search, on average, 10 organic results are displayed as relevant documents. Each document displayed there has a snippet, which is nothing more than the composition of information about the document. As you can see below, for the “Master Agency” query, the first result is made up of 4 parts: a title, a description, a URL, and finally the so-called site links.

Integrating SEO in my Online Store

The first step in integrating SEO into your ecommerce is to understand your page. When we create a web page, there are some very important attributes.

The title

The first is the page title, it is virtually the flagship of on-page factors. The key here to keep in mind is that each page is like a book, it must have its unique title and befitting the content presented. Some other important tips:

  • Keywords and Site Name: Preferably, the site name should come after the contextualized page title,
  • Number of Characters: Use a maximum of 63 characters to give users a view of the entire title,
  • Alphabet Soup or Headlines? Create a catchy and creative, informative and curious title, to, in fact, attract the click of the user,
  • Mark in Title? Before or after the main text, it depends on your niche and your tests.

Goal Description

The Meta description is a very interesting case, it is a meta tag that has no influence on rankings, but at the same time it is used when relevant in the Google snippet, so that the user can read the information you put in and decide if you will click on your result or document.

For a person, the Meta description needs to be flashy, interesting, informative, and curious and with a call-for-action twist. In terms of size, the suggestion is that it is no longer than 156 characters because after this mark Google adds the famous three dots.