How the cost differ from each plan within the single energy provider.

How the cost differ from each plan within the single energy provider.

Power to Choose

In the US, 13.6cents per kilowatt-hour is the average electric rate of residential. For electricity 12cents per kilowatt-hour is the average price paid by the peoples in the US. The houses in the US will consume nearly 908kwh per month. In the US, QATAR has the cheapest energy rate. The houses in Qatar pay 0.03 dollars per kilowatt-hour. In some countries, electricity was provided free charge. Usage of home appliances will provide the electric bill rate. The kilowatt-hour will be mentioned as kWh. It is assumed that in the US, the residential energy rate will get increased between the year 2020 ad 2021.Power to Choose in the United States, $117.65 is the electric bill of an average per month. 30kilowatt hour will be used by a house per day in the US. If we want to reduce the electric bill, there are two times when we are not using the amount of electricity much. They are night time and in the early morning time, we don’t use much of electricity when we compared to day times. After the usage of appliances, we need to unplug the devices. It will save electricity from $100 to 200 dollar per year. While comparing the ceiling fan and air conditioner, the ceiling fan consumes less electricity than an air conditioner. The average consumption of a ceiling fan is 15 – 90 watts. After using the appliances we not unplugged, the devices will always be supposed to draw some current; they can also be called vampire electricity. The fans do not consume more energy even at high speed. It will cost 5 dollars per month even it runs 24 hours a day. After the usage of the thread mill, we need to unplug it. If we didn’t, the power supply may be cut while it was in use. The residential electricity was low in 10 states like Nevada has 4.07 cents a kilowatt-hour, Washington 10.02 cents, Idaho 10.3 cents a kilowatt-hour, Utah 10.25 cents a kilowatt-hour, etc… Also, there are residential electricity was high in some states like Hawaii, Alaska, Connecticut, etc. In Idaho which was in the US, the electric bill of the houses is $73 per month which was a low cost when compared to others. There are four types of electricity such as static, current, hydra, and solar electricity. Natural gas 31.8%, petroleum 28%, coal 17.8%, renewable energy 12.7%, nuclear electric power 9.6%, these types of energies are mostly used in the US. The expensive cost of energy is solar and the cheapest form of energy is coal. We can generate the cheapest electricity by solar and wind. The cheaper suppliers of energy are Scottish power, outfox the market, Avro. We can generate electricity at home by wind turbines, geothermal heat pumps, etc. While we are choosing the energy plan we should compare with others by timings, prices and in more properties. The energy which is cheapest in the solar and onshore wind which was reported by IRENA. $0.06 per kWh is the average cost by a wind turbine in 2017 and later it was reduced to the cost of $0.04 per kWh.